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¡En Vivo! (1994)

Writer's picture: Joel CaballeroJoel Caballero

¡En Vivo! is the fourth Spanish language album by Christian singer Steve Green, released in 1994 on Sparrow Records. It is Green's first live album sung in Spanish and is produced by Dan Cleary. The album was made and distributed by Piedra Angular Comunicaciones in Mexico.

Track listing

1. Canta al Señor (Lift Up a Song) (Steve Fry) -2:37

2. Honra al Señor (Honor the Lord) (Greg Davis, Greg Fisher) -2:30

3. 1 Crónicas 29:10, 11 (spoken verse) -0:43

4. Santo, Santo, Santo (Holy, Holy, Holy) (John Bacchus Dykes, Reginald Heber)


5. Medley -8:30

Es Exaltado (He is Exalted) (Twila Paris)

Majestad (Majesty) (Jack W. Hayford)

Cuán Grande Es Él (How Great Thou Art) (Stuart K. Hine)

Puro y Santo (Bob Farnsworth, Mike Hudson)

6. Medley de Alabanza -2:54

Alma Bendice al Señor

Engrandecido Sea Dios

A Cristo Coronad

Cantad Alegres Al Señor

7. Gloria a Ti (Glory to You) (Jon Mohr, Randall Dennis) -3:13

8. Hay Una Senda/Solamente En Cristo (Tomás Estrada) -1:51

9. Oh Que Inmenso Amor/Ven Amigo A Jesús (Jamie Redin) -3:16

10. Oración de Gratitud (Prayer of Gratitude) (spoken word) -0:39

11. Cristo Me Ama (traditional) -1:52

12. Confiamos en el Nombre del Señor (We Trust in the Name of the

Lord Our God) (Steven Curtis Chapman) -3:01

13. Más Allá del Sol/La Mañana Gloriosa (Emiliano Ponce) -3:23

14. Buscando la Ciudad (Looking For a City) (Dick and Melodie Tunney,

Beverly Darnall) -2:39

15. Preludio a Respondo al Llamar (prelude to Answer the Call) -0:29

16. Respondo al Llamar (Answer the Call) (Jon Mohr, Phil Naish) -4:57

17. La Fidelidad del Cristo (The Faithfulness of Christ) (spoken word) -2:01

18. Grande Es Tu Fidelidad (Great Is Thy Faithfulness) (Thomas Chisholm,

William M. Runyan) -3:31

19. Reyes Se Inclinarán (Kings Shall Bow) (Gary Driskell, Marty Hennis) -4:53

20. Introducción a Tienen Que Saber (introduction to People Need the Lord)


21. Tienen Que Saber (People Need the Lord) (Greg Nelson, Phill McHugh) -4:46

22. En La Cruz (At the Cross) (Isaac Watts) -1:07

Previous release: Where Mercy Begins (1994)



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